I hear the KL HiTB is their main conference and I’m going to do everything I can to make it down there. From what I’ve been told it sounds like a blast. I only get to do a couple of international trips per year so I have to be very select on which ones. So far, I’m sold. :)

The Keynote
I’m not ashamed to admit that I was nervous about delivering a keynote. Not only did I have to compare against InfoSec icon Bruce Schneier, but the presentation (w/ notes) was all brand new and I had no idea how the audience would respond. Still I took a chance on something fresh, attempting to be insightful and forward thinking, though high level enough to be considered a keynote. I felt this was an opportunity to openly state some of my own personal thoughts on the infosec industry – the good and the bad.
I decided to leverage statistics cobbled from around the industry and apply them to the “Did you know?” meme. I called entitled it "Hacks Happen" (HiTB download). From where I sit most of us are mired down in our day-to-day jobs and don't have the time or cause to look up and consider where we are headed. These days it seems we have a lot more experts and less expertise. More products and less coverage. More best practices and less security. More news and less information. This type of environment I think is why hacks happen every minute of every hour of every day. And its my opinion we need to take a second look at what we know, reconsider what we think we know, and possibly come to a new set of assumptions.
Upon sharing my slides ahead of time with Robert E. Lee for feedback, he found me the follow text that captured the essence of my presentation:
"There is a proverb that illustrates the way to quickly determine whether or not someone is sane. The individual is shown a river flowing into a pond. He is given a bucket and asked to drain the pond. If he walks to the stream to dam the inflow into the pond he will be considered sane. If, instead, he decides to empty the pond with his bucket without first stopping the in-flow then he would be considered insane."
By looking even at the limited metrics we currently have, I personally believe way the industry perceives and responds to information security matters is insane. When you looking at the statistics and extrapolations in the slides you’ll get a better idea why. Please keep in the mind that some of the cited statistics in the presentation are stronger than others and overall material is a complete work in process. If anyone has better numbers, different ways of looking at the data, or feedback… I’m all ears. Enjoy.
I’ll cover Dubai itself in another post.
I always hear nothing but praise for Hack In The Box events which means I have to attend at some point :)
Jeremiah, I bet you'll be doing keynotes at RSA soon!
Good stuff all around. Try to make it out to KL in Oct, that should be the best opportunity.
Hey Jeremiah. I skimmed through the keynote slides, looked very compelling. I was wondering if you could also provide a list of references for the various statistics you cited.
Thanks Chris.
That HiTB download link has a PDF version with a notes section containing the references:
Let me know if have trouble.
Hey Jeremiah, it was great fun to hangout with you and everyone else. you better make it to HITB KL. This time however, we'll go partying with pdp and the rest of the GNUCITIZEN crew. something tells me HITB crew will also join us :)
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