There are a couple of conferences this year I’m exceptionally thrilled to be flying out for, one in particular,
Hack in the Box Dubai *what? you thought RSA? :)*. I’ve never visited the region though I’ve heard a lot of amazing things. I’ve never attended a HiTB, but many others tell me they rock. For me personally, the best part is I’ve been invited to
deliver one of the two conference keynotes. The other is by none other than
Bruce Schneier! What an honor. Of course I’m also eager to see some of the top webappsec guys present like
Shreeraj Shah and
pdp (architect), but also having the opportunity to see talks by experts who don’t make it to the US. I plan to have a amazing time and learning a lot.
I’d like to thank Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran, Founder/Chief Executive Officer,
Hack in The Box for the privilege. And if any of the readers here are attending HiTB, please let me know by emailing and commenting below.
I wish I could join you out there Jeremiah. I've been wanting to visit Dubai for a few years now. Hope you enjoy the place!
You know I was kinda surprised that the trip wasn't extraordinarilly expensive. Flights costs about 1.5K from the west coast and hotel is about $350 a night.
You consider $350/night not extraordinarily expensive?!
Must be the cost of living differences between California and Florida...
Actually no, I've been spending a lot of time recently in Manhattan and $350 is about average. The least I've paid is $250 all the up to $500. I mean, these aren't suites or anything, just the normal room. So when I'm thinking the lavishness of Dubai I considering $1000 ease... so I was pleasantly surprised.
Be super careful not to have anything even remotely suspect in your luggage, carry-on or urine before you head to Dubai.
My good friend Diz, (who is a penetration tester I worked with at a large UK based investment bank) recently was detained by UAE customs for having melatonin pills and <.01 grams of suspected hashish in his carry-on.
You can read about his case at www.freediz.com
Eesh, that's a little unnerving. Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure not to bring pills of any kind after reading that.
Dont miss "Desert safari" when you are there in dubai. If you get time, its also good to visit Burj al Arab.
I must say that Dhillon is doing a superb job at organizing the conference. He's been extremely helpful to both pdp and myself and we're delighted that the GNUCITIZEN group will be part of such a fantastic event.
Keep up the good work Dhillon and the rest of the HITB crew!
btw Jeremiah, although pdp already knows you it'll be the first time I'll see you in person, so I'm looking forward to that!
Dubai is a modern place, enjoy Jeremiah. The environment is clean and the people are great, have fun and happy announcing!
Hi Jeremiah, good morning, can you tell me how can I check online to see if another person is login online using my account?? when I am logged out already??
I think someone knew my hotmail acct password.
So If I logged out the hotmail acct, how can i check to see if someone else logged in to check my acct...I remember a friend told me once that I can check it remotely to see if the the hotmail acct is opened (ie...someone else logged in using my password) without me logging in.
Thank you so very much, this means a lot to me.
I know if you are talking about Dubai or something like that but I am not sure where to post this on your current post..so this is the latest one, therefore, I posted here, thx so much...
Hiya Mr.jeremiah, its Sharukh , A freelance Security Research / Evangelist.I'm going to host the first International security conf. in India which is schedule for later this year (dates not confirmed)as if now waiting for the dates from the speakers It will be an honor and will be glad if you join us for my event as a speaker Currently I'm in USA....will be attending HITB 08 Dubai...hope to cya soon ..and discuss mo abt the event.... but do get back to me E-mail :-info At cyberabad.ws
I live in Abu Dhabi, just an hour away from Dubai and 4got about HITB. Maybe I can still convince my company to send me.
You will generally love Dubai. Loving to live in Dubai is a different issue.
Wish you a pleasant stay.
@Adrian, look forward to meeting you as well!
@Anonymous, this might help you...
@secadmin, good luck with the conference planning, sounds like a worthwhile effort. Always wanted to visit India. Please tap my on the shoulder during HitB.
@Osama, judging from the list of speakers and topics, I'm personally excited about the content as well. Hope to see ya there, tell your employer I said it was OK to send you. :)
Hey there ..Thnx ! .. hve a safe journey wish ya best of luck for U2..hve a gd1..:) Will cya soon....
woo hoooooo , Dubai is my hometown. You will really enjoy. If you have time go for cruising in deserts, thats really fun........
@Shoaib, cool! What's the best way to do that?
Hi Jeremiah, the link you gave me didn't work...http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-to-chec
couldn't find it...can you check on this link for validity?
thank you so very much for replying back..much appreciated..
Try this PC World article.
Thx for the info but is not really what i want...there is a story behind it...and to give you a better understanding of my story so you can point me to the right direction, do you have a personal email address that i can send u my story?
they are many companies from where you can hire nice cool 4wds and can go for cruising....
check this out...
@anonymous, if that trick won't help you then there really isn't another option that I know if. If you want to make sure someone doesn't have access to your account, then just change your password.
@Shoaib, way cool. Exactly what I needed. Thanks much!
Hi Jeremiah, thx for the returning back my comment...here's my email address "cyberstars101@hotmail.com" and perhaps, you can send me back an email address when i can send you my story and see what you think and give me a direction on that...thx..
Hmm.. Im actually quite interested to find out about this Hack in the box in dubai. I want to go to one of these conferences and if I had a private jet then i would most definitely will go but im not there yet financially with the whole jet and all :}
But I will tell you what, I do know that Abu Dhabi and Dubai are cities that I am anxiously waiting to visit and tour myself!
-Garry B.
Oh I wouldn't wait to get a private jet, which would be VERY nice, but not exactly necessary. :) I flew in on Delta, splurging some would mean taking Emirates.
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