Thursday, September 01, 2011

Sometimes Input MUST be Validated Client-Side: o_O


Garden variety Web applications, the things written in Ruby/PHP/Java/.Net/Perl are deployed and executed on Web servers — that is to say, server-side. In Chrome and ChromeOS, users download special applications and extensions written in HTML/JavaScript from the “Chrome web store” where they are installed and executed client-side — in their Web browser. This is an important difference to understand as where an application gets its input, and where its executed matters a great deal to security. An excellent example of this came to light this summer with the “Hacking Google Chrome OS” research conducted by Matt Johansen and Kyle Osborn.

Let’s assume a Chrome/ChromeOS user installs an application from the web store, like an RSS reader, which reads in data from different “untrusted” URLs all across the Web. The RSS application parses, organizes, sometimes even executes, the XML feed data, and finally displays the list of stories to the user. All this data processing takes place client-side, within the browser walls, NOT on any server. In fact, there is no “server” in this Web application deployment model.

Next let’s assume one of the aforementioned RSS data sources suddenly contains malicious content, an XSS payload for example, where it executes in Web browser context when displayed. Depending on the security permissions that the application set for itself, may of which are wide open, XSS payloads can do quite a bit of damage — even from within the browser. As demonstrated by Matt and Kyle, all of a user’s email, contacts, and saved documents is potentially at risk. Their machine can be used to conduct high speed scans of their intranet. Messages from their Google Voice account can also be spoofed. The list goes on and the security sandbox doesn’t provide any protection. Similar attacks can be carried out through applications such as email readers, instant messagers, and so on. In fact, this type of XSS vulnerability is fairly common among Google web store applications and has also been shown to affect Apple iOS applications, like Skype mobile, in a very similar way.

The critical point is that, since the Chrome/ChromeOS (and similar applications) execute client-side and receive untrusted data from servers as opposed to the other way around, the only safe place to perform input-validation is actually client-side! Strange as that may be.

Unfortunately, if you are a user of either platform, there is not much you can do to protect yourself against applications that are vulnerable. If you are a security conscious developer, the guidance for input validation hasn’t changed. Ensure incoming data, wherever is originates from, is what it’s expected to be before using it. Look for correct character sets, data being not too short or too long, proper formatting, etc. Maybe we should update the rule to “All input must be validated.” Done.

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