Several people took pictures, please post your URL’s.
Robert Auger (, Jeremiah Grossman (WhiteHat Security), Caleb Sima (SPI Dynamics), Billy Hoffman (SPI Dynamics), Arian Evans (WhiteHat Security), Erik Peterson (SPI Dynamics), RSnake (
I pulled this one from Anurag's blog since it was a great group photo.

Erik Peterson (SPI Dynamics), Billy Hoffman (SPI Dynamics), Steve Orrin (Intel)

Arian Evans (WhiteHat Security), Caleb Sima (SPI Dynamics)
The exchange of fashion tips in addition to the finer points of automated scanning.

Erik Peterson (SPI Dynamics), Steve Orrin (Intel)
Erik's hiding something, I can tell.

Dawn van Hoegaerden (WhiteHat Security), RSnake (, Rachel Miller (SHIFT Communications)
Who says XSS doesn't work with the ladies.

Caleb Sima (SPI Dynamics), Robert Auger (
Robert reaching for his tazer.

Billy Hoffman (SPI Dynamics), Arian Evans (WhiteHat Security)
"I have the world in my hand"...."dude, no you don't."

Daniel Veditz (Mozilla), RSnake (
Sorry about those Mozilla sploitz, really.

Robert Auger (
The Clark Kent pose. Check out the green press badge.

"Hackers Attacking the Internet" on FOX while we ate. We for once have an alibi since we were in fact eating lunch at the time.

Scott Parcel (Cenzic), James ? (SecTheory)
WebAppSec vs. Network Sec

Mark Kraynak (Imperva), RSnake (, Scott Parcel (Cenzic)
Hack, scan, and firewall. How bout that!

Eric ? (Adobe), RSnake (
We're going to have to name RSnake's smile since its identical in every photo. Maybe "Hacker Steel" or something.

RSnake (, Anurag Agarwal (, Bill Hoffman's hands.
Even webapp hackers have to eat.

Brian Bertacini (Application Security Consulting), Anurag Agarwal (

Yes, I know. :)
The day anyone from this industry shows me that they have a dress sense, i'll buy them lunch :0)
So did Arian get upto his usual antics?
Nah, he was remarkably calm. :)
Hacker Steel FTW!
great pics
The guy from Adobe is Erick Lee, a former colleague of mine from @stake (I wonder if he'll ever read this and see that I outed him). I stopped by very briefly and chatted with a couple people but had to head back to our booth.
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