During online account registration we all come across those obnoxious End User License Agreements (
EULA’s) asking us to “agree” to who knows what. Personally I like editing them …to well… something else. Or just delete.
(I’m not going to get into the legalities modifying EULA’s. IANAL.) The problem is clickable EULA’s are often locked inside read-only HTML textareas where the web browser won’t allow them to be edited. To get around this minor annoyance I created this handy little
Edit EULA bookmarklet. Drag it to your bookmarks toolbar, and when you see a read-only textarea, click the bookmarklet and edit away! Enjoy!
javascript:(function() {var e=document.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA');for (var i=0;i
1 comment:
Similar deeds, but using customizer
"... demonstrate "how to nuke a EULA", you know those END-USER-AGREEMENT-LICENSES that nobody reads when clicking onto install files, even if -for all you know- they may impose you to sacrifice your first-born to their gods"
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